Congress Tightens Noose on Assad Regime

New sanctions hit military alliance with Russia, Iran

By Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon
September 27, 2018

Congress moved this week to tighten the economic noose on the embattled regime of Syrian President Bashar al Assad, passing new sanctions that directly target his military alliance with Russia and Iran that has resulted in scores of civilian casualties.

“Since the Syrian regime violently cracked down on peaceful protesters in March 2011, Bashar al-Assad and his cronies have wrecked the country and caused a global humanitarian crisis,” said Lina Murad, president of Americans for a Free Syria, an advocacy organization that championed the legislation and organized fly-ins to Syria during the past two-years to help expose the regime’s war crimes.

“Further, photo evidence smuggled out by Caesar confirms the Assad regime has detained, tortured and killed Syrian civilians in his horrific prisons,” Murad said. “Assad has made Syria unsafe for all Syrians, and he must be held accountable for his actions. The Caesar Syrian Civilian Protection Act ensures the United States takes forceful action to restrict the ability of Assad and his allies like Russia and Iran to commit further human rights abuses.”

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